Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Daisy's first "look"

She's already practicing her poses.


hilari said...

the best thing i have seen all day. she is the cutest and zoolander the most underrated.

Mrs. Dub said...

blue steel, baby. love this little girl and hope for a threefold increase in pictures of her.

Judd's said...

daisy is truely "really, really, really ridiculously good looking"! I love her!

Kelley Bochman Smith said...

that is the cutest thing ever!!!!

Amy, Dan and Ryan said...

That's hilarious! I'm glad you posted a new picture...I'd love to see more. :)

fuz&michelle said...

Hey there! I can't remember whose blog i found yours through... but congratulations! she is a cutie. Love the zoolander picture. :)

brooksybabe said...

So funny! I hope she will be able to make left turns. She is so adorable!!!

Mary said...

If SHE has her own reality show ... I will definitely watch.