A while back
my mother was telling me about a fun craft idea she saw on a blog (as she often does). The idea was to buy 2 of the same shirts, one your size and one of the biggest size they have. Then you cut flowers or ruffles out of the bigger shirt and make a corsage t-shirt by sewing the flowers or ruffles onto the shirt. It sounded fun! So I decided to make a ruffle front shirt. I took 2 shirts I bought for $5.00 at Target, ripped the shirt into different length strips, sewed them into ruffles and then sewed them on this shirt. It turned out super cute and looks great on. Since I am not having a very good "face day" (as Devan calls it),
I took a picture of it on a dress form.
(I didn't take a before picture of this one...woops)
After making a shirt for myself,
I was so pumped up I went to Walmart right away
and bought these 2 yellow shirts for Daisy.

I cut circles out of the larger shirt and sewed them together.

Then I sewed them onto the shirt.

And there you go...A super cute ruffle front shirt for my super cute daughter.